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Why Copywriting?

You're a mental health professional working hard to build your business; pouring your heart and soul into helping others. Your message is VITAL. And it has to be shared. But burn out is real and prevalent in your line of work. 


You just want to be able to focus on your clients and help them reach their true potential. You certainly didn't become a therapist to manage website content, create promotional materials, or spend time looking for clients. 


This is where I can help. Writing content and copy in your voice is my specialty. I can help you create a positive and reassuring impression that encourages clients to take the step toward seeking help and support. Which means you get a little extra time for you to practice that self-care you tell your clients about.  

Keep reading for more ways copywriting can benefit you.


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More ways copywriting can benefit you:

Pebble Beach


Content in your voice

Engaging, meaningful content for your website, blog, or social media pages that clearly conveys your approach and expertise. All written the way you would say it without having to worry about writing it.


Address common concerns

Through copy, I can address common concerns and misconceptions; explaining the benefits and addressing potential barriers. Engaging and empathetic language can encourage clients to be more open to seeking help.


SEO copy and content

You want people to easily be able to find your services. I can seamlessly integrate the most commonly searched keywords to help move you to the top of the search on the highest ranking pages.


Challenging stigmas

Copywriting can challenge stigma around mental health by providing accurate information, normalizing therapy, and emphasizing the importance of seeking help when needed.


Improve your online presence

Your online presence showcases your dedication to continuous learning and professional development. Sharing articles, resources, and insights through a blog or social media can position you as a knowledgeable, engaged professional.


Make clients feel comfortable

Informative and educational content on your website can address common questions and concerns clients may have about therapy, demystifying the process and making clients feel more at ease.

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