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Get to know me better

Fun Facts:

My favorite word to say as a small child was "vo-cab-u-lar-y". Nothing brought me as much glee as pronouncing each syllable.

A phrase you might hear me say in any given conversation is, "So I heard on this podcast...".

I own an embarrassing amount of "nerdy" t-shirts. Among my favorites is a reference to Pride and Prejudice that says "Society of Obstinate Headstrong Girls - Seriously displeasing people since 1813".

Music is an incredibly important part of my life. Singing is my jam. I have been in a country band, a jazz band, and a swing band, and I even made a Christmas CD. During my High School years, I was in thirteen plays, the majority of them musicals. I know the role music can play in our mental health, and I turn to it frequently when I need to relieve stress, process emotions and boost those happy hormones.

Things I can't resist: a homemade cookie (or possibly all the homemade cookies), animals- especially baby ones, snuggling my kids, a good podcast or audiobook, Mexican food, ALL of Amazon, laughing at the wrong time, anything that smells or tastes tropical, wearing flip flops year round- even in Colorado, saving earthworms that are drying out after a rain storm, episodes of I Love Lucy or The Office. 

Mental Health/Wellness issues I am passionate about: Body image- especially for women and teens, self-compassion as the antidote to shame, EMDR- it's seriously incredible, addressing trauma, recognizing toxic relationship patterns. Approaches to healing that include music, animals, art, etc.

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