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Hi! I'm Laurie, the Mental Health Mama!

Thanks so much for stopping by. I have been a writer for nine years but have had an abnormal love of words my entire life. It made sense to combine my love of writing and passion for mental health/wellness and relationships and turn it into something that could directly impact the lives of my loved ones and those who struggle with mental health and relationship challenges. 

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My Story

As a Young Adult, I worked for a wilderness therapy program for teens. It was a program based on love, acceptance, and peace. All while living in the harsh environment of the Arizona desert.


 I watched teens that struggled with shame learn acceptance and self-compassion, and that experience changed my life forever. 

It wasn't until over three years ago when I started my own therapy journey, that I began to learn how the things we perceive about ourselves affect every, and I do mean EVERY, aspect of our lives. Therapy is no cakewalk. But it has been so incredibly rewarding. 

My motivation is anchored in a personal connection. As my teenage daughter navigated her own mental health journey, I recognized her struggle was shared by many. Startled by the statistic that 1 in 4 youth faces depressive symptoms, I found myself compelled to raise awareness.


My mission, especially for women and children, centers on initiating crucial dialogues and amplifying vital resources in our collective pursuit of mental well-being.


Now, allow me to bridge the gap between my passion and your vision. As a seasoned freelance copywriter, I specialize in crafting compelling content and persuasive copy tailored to the needs of mental health companies and professionals.


Imagine having a partner who can distill complex concepts into engaging narratives, creating a profound connection with your audience. Envision insightful articles, attention-grabbing emails, and persuasive marketing materials that not only educate but also resonate deeply.

"We all have a role to play in supporting the mental health of children and youth." -Office of  U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Hallegere Murthy

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